Tuesday, 3 November 2015

New post on Creaky Joints - Brain Fog and Memory Dysfunction

I have a new blog post up on Creaky Joints, which, while I've never intended for The Original Dragon Mother to have a focus on rheumatoid arthritis, there's been enough content here in recent months where it has featured that if I've written a post for Creaky Joints that is about something that affects my every day life at a personal level, I'll bring it here. And this one does, as it's about a phenomenon that is common to many people with chronic illnesses, especially when those illnesses create ongoing pain, and it impacts at all levels. For instance, the last 24 hours have seen me manage some epic fails - which is difficult for me to cope with - and I can put them all down to the impact of this particular product of RA. 
It's called brain fog, and while that sounds funny, the reality can be anything but. You can read the full post HERE.

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